Corporate Retirement Plan Services
401(k) Advisory Services
Lorintine Capital is an advisor to 401(k) and other retirement plans for small to medium sized businesses. As a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), we owe your company and employees the highest fiduciary standard.
As a named fiduciary advisor to your plan, our firm will provide a variety of services that will benefit your company and your plan participants in a number of ways.
Cost Reduction
Academic research has consistently shown a link between cost and long term performance. When working with your company's retirement plan, we will make sure to minimize cost in every way.
Because we are an independent firm, Lorintine Capital is not beholden to a company that insists on putting "proprietary" funds into an investment lineup. When assigned the responsibility of selecting and monitoring funds, we prefer low cost index funds and ETF's from leading asset management firms such as Vanguard and Dimensional Fund Advisors.
Lorintine Capital would be happy to complete a complementary cost savings analysis for your company. With a copy of your most recent 408(b)(2) fee disclosure and plan level account statements we can compare costs, funds, and services -- and if we can't save your plan money or add valuable services, we'll let you know that too.
Liability Reduction
Ever since 2006, when the law firm of Schlichter Bogard & Denton sued several large corporations with multi-billion dollar 401(k) plans, litigation against employers has been increasing. Boston College's Center for Retirement Research has noted that this rise is becoming exponential in nature. It is an unfortunate fact of today's legal system that if there is the possibility of fees being made, lawyers will pounce.
On small plans (those under $25 million), this litigation has almost always concentrated on excessive fee litigation. The most common claim brought against an employer by the employees is that the employer imprudently offered higher-cost investments where lower-cost investments, which were materially identical in nature, were available. Most other claims revolved around excessive administrative and record keeping fees. Other claims were simply based on the fact that the employer did not carry the legally required bond. These suits can cost employers hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and damages.
The good news is that while many plan advisors aren't named fiduciaries - Lorintine Capital is. This means our firm can act as a 3(38) fiduciary to your company, assuming this liability for your company. When we agree to act as a 3(38) fiduciary, many of the items employers are typically sued for become our responsibility, reducing your potential liability.
Lorintine Capital is both bonded and insured to protect your company and your employees.
Investment Options
One of the most common complaints we hear from employers and employees is a lack of diversified and low cost investment options for the employees to choose from. As an independent RIA with access to TD Ameritrade's open architecture retirement plan platform, we can greatly expand plan offerings. When meeting with a company to design their plan lineup, Lorintine Capital typically offers:
A low cost investment lineup of both mutual funds and ETF's that can be customized to your company's needs.
Unitized Managed Accounts (UMA), which are professionally managed portfolios designed, managed, and monitored by our firm.
Self Directed Brokerage Accounts (SDBA), which allow plan participants the flexibility to self direct part or all of their balance in a TD Ameritrade brokerage account allowing the purchase of thousands of additional securities.
Lorintine Capital firmly believes an educated investor is more likely to succeed. Employees who participate in 401(k) plans are often left on their own to make decisions while having no background or education in investing. We offer all of our retirement plan clients periodic educational meetings at their office to discuss your company's plan and its investments. At these meetings, we set aside time to meet one on one with participants to answer questions and provide personalized advice.
Outside of in-office meetings, we will provide service and advice to participants in the form of email, telephone, and Go To Meeting support. We are dedicated to the success and happiness of both the plan sponsor and plan participants.
Plan Proposal
Contact us today so we can provide a complementary evaluation of your current retirement plan and a proposal of what we can offer your company. It could be one of the best financial decisions you make for your company and employees.